Sunday, June 1, 2008

Time Out for Women

Yeah I'm only eleven, but I went to this conference with my mom called Time out for Women! There were a lot of speakers and musical performances that I liked. I thought I would be pretty bored but I had a lot of fun, so now I'll show you what we did!

Hilary Weeks

Jenny Oaks Baker

Merrilee Boyack

Jenny Oaks Baker

Hilary Weeks

Now, can't we just get to the best part! I'll tell you. If you somehow didn't know that I wanted to be a news anchor when I grow up, now you do. I also like Jane Clayson Johnson who was a news anchor, but then left her job to be with her family and kids. I admire her and while I was there I got to meet her! We told her how I had to write about a career role mode and that I wrote about her and that I tried out to be in the morning news program at my school and that I am a main anchor. She wanted to know how it would go in seventh grade so she gave me her e-mail. I wasn't expecting that, but I was really glad that I got it! So, now here are some pictures of this great time!

Jane Clayson Johnson


Greg Garrick said...

I'm glad you got to attend this special event with Mom. I'm sure you'll be a broadcaster someday if you keep working hard.

Dave said...

That's awsome, Jillie!
I have to say, you write very well too. That would be important for an anchor, I would think. It's important in any endeavor, actually.

Pam said...

What a great experience. Wish I had been there, too. I love Jenny Oaks Baker and have some of her music on my ipod. But the greatest thing would be to see you and Jane Clayson in the same spot. It had to be the best moment ever. Don't lose that email address and be sure to let her know how it's going. She may give you some tips. You will be a star yourself one day, so don't forget about the little girls who look up to you. Love you soooo much!

Sunny said...

SOOO cool Jillie!! That looks soo fun! I'm so glad you were able to meet all of these cool women and JANE CLAYSON JOHNSON!! WOW!! And SHE thinks YOU'RE cool! That's of course because YOU ARE!!! We can't wait to hear more!!

Abby said...

You got to meet Jane Clayson Johnson?! That is just about the coolest thing ever Jillie! Something you will never forget forsure. I think your Mom is pretty awesome for taking you to Time out for Women and letting you experience how uplifting it is.

I loved the pictures you posted too. You sure a beautiful young women!

Shannon said...

That's amazing Jillie! Your mom is cool for taking you to such a neat event :) How awesome that you got to meet so many women you admire. One day Jane Clayson Johnson will say "Yeah I was SOO lucky to meet Jillie Garrick when she was just 11and before she was famous..."