Saturday, July 5, 2008

July 4th!

On the fourth of July we had a great time! We had some friends from different parts of New York come down to our house! Our friends from church, the Brandt's came too! We played a lot! First, we went swimming.

We also had a water balloon toss! My dad and I were partners, and we won!

Then, we had lunch! Full of potato salad, hamburgers, watermelon, and more!

But best of all we had dessert!!!!!!!!!! We had homemade ice cream, chocolate chip brownies, cakes, and just look at these pictures!
Bounce house time!!!!!! We had a bounce and the Brandt's had a bounce house! That's fun! And while the kids played in the bounce houses the parents played name that tune to 80's music blah! But, I actually knew some of the songs, surprisingly!

Then, we went to a parade that Reagan was in, waving a flag in color guard and we stayed for fireworks behind the middle school!
Then, we went home and ended the 11 hour day with friends with our own firework shooting show with fireworks from PA.

Happy 4th of July and oh, more importantly: HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE NATHAN!


Greg Garrick said...

That was a fun party and I liked playing with you Jillie. Thanks for posting photos.

Abby said...

Great post Jillie! Looks like you had a great 4th...and those desserts look to yummy! Did you help make them?

Jillie said...

I didn't help make the desserts but i helped serve them and eat them!I had no idea we were even going to have dessert?

Shannon said...

I wish I could have been there Jillie! Looks like a lot of fun and I would have liked the 80's music game

Derek said...

Looks like a whole lot of fun Jillie! What, you don't like 80s music!?!? I have to agree that the desserts look REALLY good!

Hope you have fun with the Avery's this week. We miss you!

Dave said...

Thanks for sharing your version of the Holiday party. It was so fun getting your commentary, and the pictures that you selected.