Saturday, March 1, 2008

Dress-up Day!

On Saturday, Me, Reagan, Kobe, Jackson, and our friend Sydney from Amherst had a play date! We dressed up and had sooo much fun! Here are some pictures of the final outcome.

Later that day, we made some videos, and it took a while to do it!


Pam said...

So fun! You kids are so cleaver. Can't wait to be there in May!!!! Keep having fun.XOXO

Jillie said...

You may not be able to hear but the darth vader ones are suppose to have music and so Is minnies. If you cannot hear it you should, get off the website then come right back to it and only go to the ones you saw with no sounds! ( All videos have some kind of sound in it!)

Sunny said...

So much fun Jillie! I really want you to babysit for Hyrum sometime. Hyrum wants to have fun with you! Are you available on Friday night?

Holly said...

Looks like soo much fun!! You kids are funny! Are you sure you don't want to go into live theater?? :) You would be good!