Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Silver the Silent Moon!

Silver the Silent Moon was a hit! A lot of people out there probably don't know what I'm talking about. Well, you will find out right about now. I was supposed to write a myth for Reading in school. Then, I would have to perform it with eye contact, gestures, costume, and props. That sounds like a lot of work for me. But, there is one more thing you need to know. I had to memorize it! And I wrote three pages! Uh-oh how was I supposed to memorize and perform that! Anyways, we could have one small index card and write a few facts on it just in case I forgot some thing. But, only one side. The night before my performance I practiced in front of my parents and there is a link to you tube at the end of this article that shows my myth at home. (The final product!) I used this card that plays this tower of terror music at my performance and during the introduction when I closed the card everyone started clapping and it was just the beginning! Then finally, when I finished my performance and shut the card for the last time, I got a standing ovation and loud cheering and clapping! I felt soooo good! I had tons of questions after it about my costume (shirt) and the card. My teacher Mr. Goggins was explaining to the class that you should make eye contact and voice projection and all this good stuff like Jillie! The next days I did'nt have to take the spelling tests. I got to read them since I was such a great story teller I guess! It was really fun to preform and I felt soooooooooooo good to preform! Now, here's a link to my Myth Silver the Silent Moon!


Pam said...

Jillie!!! You are wonderful! I love the story with a great moral and I love your special effects. Where did you get the shirt? the card? You are so creative. I just loved watching you and how you are growing up and so independent. You are amazing at 11, good heavens, what will you be like at 12???

Dave said...

AWE-SOME! You're developing some great talents. I gotta know, did you design the t-shirt? Your writing and performing talents are most evident - I love to see your confidence growing.

Jillie said...

I got the shirt at a.c.moore and the card at hallmark and i did decorate the shirt and thank you.

Airmom said...

Jillie....you are amazing...and I definetly can see you as a news anchor in the future....Katie Couric step aside...lol
You are so talented...I don't think I could have ever done that at your age...hmmmm maybe not even now....lol
I love you
Grammie G

Shannon said...

Way to go Jillie- very impressive! You are a talented storyteller - just like Grammie G! She can read a book outloud and entertain everyone. Love the shirt, the card, loved it all!

Carolyn said...

Hey Jillie...that was really cool watching you. Wow you are really grown up and mature. I am so proud of you and proud to be your aunt. I loved the story and the performance....keep it up!

Greg Garrick said...

You're very talented Jillie. You always impress me.